Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thursday the 26th of November

This Thursday the 26th, 57'10 is delighted to announce that we have a double header on the cards.

At noon on the Thursday, 57'10 is being graced by the presence of Alan Dunlop from gm+ad architects, who is delivering a lecture on drawing techniques. Gm+ad are well known in the architectural world for along with other leading Scottish practices, developing a new Scottish Architectural language. Alan's dedication to, and love for the pencil is well known in the world of architecture and the opportunity to hear one of Scotland's architectural heavyweights deliver a lecture directly on the topic of drawing should ignite serious interest amongst our student body and any interested practices.

Later in the day, at 5pm, we welcome Tom dePaor from Dublin based firm dePaor Architects to lecture in Scott Sutherland. Tom was the recipient of the 2003 YAYA and is renowned for his dedication to the integrity of his designs. A shining light in the Irish architectural landscape, his lecture will cover his plans for a film theatre in Galway on the West coast of Ireland.

We hope to see you all at the lecture and welcome your questions, especially those of you who have never asked a question before. Tom and Alan are both the very best at what they do, and the opportunity to learn from them does not come about very often.

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